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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
US: New York Times to launch entertainment magazine for moviegoers
The New York Times plans to launch OnMovies, an entertainment magazine, in December, reports AdAge. It will be distributed 18 times a year at Loews cinemas in several cities, such as New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas and Boston. The New York Times pays Loews to distribute the magazine. One half of the magazine will consist of editorial content from the New York Times, the other half of advertising.
The magazine is part of a strategy to increase the paper's print reach and its ad revenue through finding new readers, especially young readers, as well as new advertisers. It is also an attempt to fight for movie ads, which are in decline for the main paper.
Source: AdAge
Posted by Anna-Maria Mende on October 11, 2005 at 10:19 AM in h. Young readers / New readers, r. Revenues and business models | Permalink
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