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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pakistan: 16 journalists missing after the earthquake

Just received from Ehsan Ahmed Sehar, Chief Editor, Nawa-i-AhmedpurSharqia, Pakistan: "The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has expressed its deep sorrow over the loss of thousands of lives in October 8 Saturday's earthquake which killed over 30,000 people. Among them were the families of over 35 journalists while over 20 correspondents and their families based in Muzaffarabad and Balakot have been missing for four days... Some 16 correspondents working for different newspapers in Balakot have been missing for four days.

The PFUJ asked its affiliated bodies to ask journalists to donate one day's salary for the relief of the earthquake victims. It also appealed to the All Pakistan Newspaper Society to donate at least two days' income from newspaper advertisements and compensate those newspaper employees who had suffered. Source (by mail): Ehsan Ahmed Sehar, Chief Editor, Nawa-i-AhmedpurSharqia, Pakistan

Mir KhaliurRehman Foundation run by Jang Group of Publications has set up MKRF Earthquake Relief Fund with UBL Account No 0102598-5. For International transfer Swift Code(UNILPKKA). [email protected]

Posted by Bertrand Pecquerie on October 12, 2005 at 11:58 AM | Permalink


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