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Monday, October 10, 2005

Hurricane Katrina: Newspaper is going back home

The New Orleans Times-Picayune will return to its own presses today, reports The Oregonian. The paper has been publishing online or as a guest at other newspaper plants for six weeks (see also former posting). The Oregonian, which belongs to the same owner as the Picayune, states, "As the press thunders to life, it will be a joyous and symbolic moment, not simply for the newspaper, but for the community. For if ever the importance of a newspaper was apparent, it was in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ... And only the newspaper will be able to fully and publicly address the daunting issues ahead for the city."

The experience of the Times-Picayune is also a lesson for the newspaper industry: "If journalists passionately care about their communities, if they truly look out for the interests of readers, and if they deliver a public service to their community, they indeed will be essential. They will be read."

Source: The Oregonian

Posted by Anna-Maria Mende on October 10, 2005 at 11:34 AM | Permalink


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