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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Conference: Win and Retain Loyal Newspaper Readers

In the fight to win and retain loyal readers, newspaper editors and marketers need to keep pace with a rapidly accelerating business. They will find up-to-the-minute solutions for increasing circulation and readership from a strong cast of international speakers at the World Editor & Marketeer Conference & Expo, to be held in Athens, Greece, on 17 and 18 November. The conference, organised by the World Association of Newspapers, provides an unmatched resource for newspaper publishers, editors and marketers alike: the annual event draws nearly 500 newspaper professionals from 75 countries to network and exchange ideas. The conference has one goal: to help newspapers maximise their circulation success in 2006.

Presentations include:

An overview of great ideas - new products, quality services and fresh approaches for newspapers presented by Mike Smith, Managing Director of the Media Management Center at Northwestern University and the chairman of the conference.

A special "Master Class" on circulation science, directed by WAN Strategy Advisor Jim Chisholm, which will include best practice methodologies to increase circulation sales. The class is drawn from the WAN Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project, which identifies, analyses and publicises all important breakthroughs and opportunities that can benefit newspapers all over the world.

The results of an SFN study on the format change phenomenon, which examines the drivers, highlights the opportunities and determines the risk of format change. The session includes a presentation from Marc Sands, the Marketing Director of Guardian Newspapers of the United Kingdom, and will also feature others who are making the change from broadsheet to tabloid or even smaller formats.

How to generate readers and revenue from digital media opportunities. A session on "News - anytime, anyplace, anywhere" will include a presentation on "Monetising news content in interactive media" by Constantine Kamaras, CEO of Sport.gr, a successful sports news site based in Greece that serves the needs of Greek sports fans world-wide.

Exhibitors at the accompanying Expo include Atlantic Syndication Partners, The New York Times News Service Syndicate, Mediafashion, Editorial Sol 90, Comunicacion Uno, and Planeta Marketing Institucional.

Source: World Editor & Marketeer Conference & Expo

Posted by Anna-Maria Mende on September 8, 2005 at 04:52 PM in l. Conferences and awards | Permalink


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