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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
5 Lessons from the 6th World Young Reader Conference
Here are some highlights from the World Association of Newspapers' 6th World Young Reader Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina 18-21 September:
"Young think" - Jennifer Carroll, Director of News Development at Gannett Co. described the company's strategy of "including young adults as regular sources." Gannett's research found that young readers' interests vary tremendously and that a paper needs to take into account all of these interests when attracting young readers.
Daniele Fonck, Deputy Chief Executive of the Luxembourg publisher Editpress told of her company's plan that includes youth-oriented content in every section of the paper. The strategy helped raise youth readership over 2.5% in one year.
Marcelo Rech, editor of Brazilian paper Zero Hora explained that 40% of the paper's readership is between the ages of 10 and 29, a feat it accomplished by hiring journalists under 30 for a third of its newsroom staff and including 60 interactive features between the print and web versions per week.
Calling it a "metro for children," Carlos Echeverry, Editor and Publisher of Bolivia's Mi Super Diario described his paper's success - tripling circulation since its introduction in 2003 - by distributing the colorful and graphic filled pages exclusively in grammar schools.
Francis Dufour, editor and founder of the French children's publisher Play Bac Presse suggested that papers aimed at young readers "do news for the young" stick to shorter sentences and stories and include lots of color and maps in their papers.
Source: 6th World Young Reader Conference
Posted by john burke on September 21, 2005 at 12:55 PM in h. Young readers / New readers, l. Conferences and awards | Permalink
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