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Monday, August 08, 2005

6th World Young Reader Conference: Winning the new generation for newspapers

There’s a lot for editors at the 6th World Young Reader Conference, set for 18 to 21 September 2005 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sessions will include the most thorough survey yet of the world's best young reader editorial strategies, conducted and presented by the Innovations International Media Consulting Group. Participants will also hear the cases of enduring youth editions that have survived the tests of both time and money and learn about how some newspapers that have managed to imbue “Total Youth Think” throughout the entire editorial operation (see programme).

Few people can tell you more about how newspapers can attract younger readers than Jennifer Carroll, Director of News Development at Gannett Co. Inc. in the United States. Ms Carroll was the mentor for Gannett's Gen X Task Force, directed the publication of The X Manual, conducted the 25- to 34-year old Reader Review, and consults for Gannett's free weeklies targetted at young adults.

"It is imperative that our newspapers keep and grow these young adults as readers, if not in daily print then onlne, in free niche weeklies targeted at these young adults, and with other forms of delivery," writes Ms Carroll, the former managing editor of The Detroit News. "Our ability to continue to attract younger audiences means we cannot stop learning about them and their media preferences." Ms Carroll will be participating in the session on "Winning with total young-think: cases of how newspapers learned to think young throughout without alienating the core audience." She will be joined by Dani?le Fonck, Deputy Director of Editpress, the publisher of Tageblatt in Luxembourg, which has grown circulation by making young people present throughout the newspaper.

The 6th World Young Reader Conference will be the first WAN/WEF event ever in Spanish-speaking Latin America. For the evolving programme and online registration information go to www.wan-press.org/argentina2005 or contact: Aralynn Abare McMane, Ph.D. , Director, Development and Education, World Association of Newspapers (WAN), E-mail: [email protected] , 7 rue Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 75005 Paris, France, Telephone:+331 47 42 85 00 (8517 direct line), Fax: +331 47 42 49 48

Posted by Anna-Maria Mende on August 8, 2005 at 04:54 PM in h. Young readers / New readers, l. Conferences and awards | Permalink


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