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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

USA: WashingtonPost.com to launch dual homepages

WashingtonPost.com will launch dual homepages this week says Rafat Ali in paidcontent.org and it seems both simple and smart: one will be for local Washington DC area residents, and another one for other national and international audiences interested in news from outside-the-beltway perspective."

A good idea for newspapers who have both a local and an international brand... and who have local competitors.

Source: paidcontent.org / 13 July

Posted by Bertrand Pecquerie on July 13, 2005 at 03:40 PM in n. Online strategies, q. Regional and ethnic newspapers | Permalink


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» WPNI presents the two-homepage experience! from niload
Want washingtonpost.com to focus on local or national news? Now you can have both. ... [Read More]

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» Washingtonpost.com Switches to Dual Homepage from DCist
In an interesting move that could have repercussions for new media and other online newspapers, washingtonpost.com today switched to a dual homepage format. One homepage features more local and regionalized news, and the other has a national/internatio... [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 14, 2005 4:13:48 PM
