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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
New York Times goes for new revenues with theatre ticket sales
Although the daily is an international news powerhouse, the New York Times is selling tickets to its hometown's Broadway and Off-Broadway productions. AuctionBytes.com writes:
"The NYTimes' show and venue information pages have been upgraded to include links to up-to-date performance calendars and will soon offer show "trailers," short, edited streaming video clips from the shows. The section includes capsule reviews and cast information; reader reviews; schedules; search; multimedia features with audio from Times theater critics; discussion forum; and an "opening soon" feature.
NYTimes.com also offers TicketWatch, a free email service with discounted theater and performing arts offers that is sent regularly to over 325,000 subscribers who have signed up at www.nytimes.com/ticketwatch. Each email provides a special offer to a specific Broadway or Off Broadway show or performing arts event. The email includes a promotion code to use when ordering tickets by phone or online."
This doesn't appear to be a way to attract new readers, just a way to attract new revenue. Do moves like this cheapen the brand, or are newspaper companies always going to have to diversify in such a way as to build up the finances to provide to their newsrooms and continue their quality reporting? Would such services even be possible without newspaper Websites?
Source: AuctionBytes.com
Posted by john burke on June 29, 2005 at 01:18 PM in r. Revenues and business models | Permalink
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