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Friday, April 29, 2005

Spain: 20 Minutos sells 20% to Grupo Zeta

Valued at euro 70m, the free daily 20 Minutos gave over 20% of its business to Grupo Zeta for euro 15m, in an attempt by the media group to revive its newspaper division. 20 Minutos holds the biggest share of Spain's free paper market with over 2 million daily readers and has surpassed El Pais as Madrid's most read paper.

Source: Periodistas 21 (in Spanish)

Posted by john burke on April 29, 2005 at 04:07 PM in b. Alliances and partnerships, e. Compact vs. broadsheet, r. Revenues and business models | Permalink


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Posted by: Alexander Kolt at Sep 10, 2005 4:11:06 AM