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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

US: free issues of The Post flood NYC streets

The Daily News in New York City reports that The New York Post has been reduced to distributing 50,000 free copies each weekday through desperate efforts to increase circulation numbers. Encased in red plastic bags, most of the free issues delivered free of charge in the greater metropolitan area, even to non-subscribing precipitants or to vacant construction sites, remain unread each day. The Post plans on counting the number of freebies, which may reach as many as 1.5 million copies over a six-week period, as part of its “paid circulation.” Such a practice is sometimes accepted under an industry rule known as “third party sales,” as long as the practice is not abused. The New York Post is owned by the Rupert Murdoch News Corporation.

Source: The Daily News

Posted by john burke on March 30, 2005 at 04:50 PM in n. Online strategies, q. Regional and ethnic newspapers | Permalink


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