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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
US: Dow Jones predicts more online edition fees
Reuters reports that a Dow Jones executive foresees more U.S. publishers to start charging subscription fees for online versions of their newspapers. The Dow Jone’s The Wall Street Journal is the only national U.S. newspaper to have an online edition virtually entirely composed of paid content and currently has more than 700,000 paid subscribers. President of electronic publishing at Dow Jones Gordon Crovitz said, “It would be good for the industry" for more publishers to follow suit. The publishing industry currently faces the challenge of balancing the potential revenue from required subscription fees versus the revenue from advertisers more attracted by advertising on free websites.
Source: Reuters
Posted by john burke on March 30, 2005 at 04:55 PM | Permalink
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It's very interesting to see the big media companies debating moving to a paid subscription model. Even more interesting is how smaller publishers, category experts or even bloggers can apply a similar model. The tools have not been readily available except to the most well funded media companies. We think it will get really exciting when paid subscription publishing tools become more widely disseminated. I have been working on this at my start-up, SubHub, after many years in online media. If the web is about making publishing accessible to anyone, why should only the big media companies have the ability to charge for content?
Kind regards,
Evan Rudowski
Posted by: Evan Rudowski at Mar 30, 2005 10:38:03 PM