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Monday, February 28, 2005

Yemen Times: new editor in chief

Yemen Times is an old friend of the World Editors Forum and the newspaper will celebrate its 14th anniversary this year. The Board of Directors of Yemen Times Establishment for Press and Publishing has officially appointed Nadia Abdulaziz Al-Saqqaf as the new Editor-in-Chief of The Yemen Times starting tomorrow, March 1st 2005. After roughly six years of service as the Editor-in-Chief, Walid Al-Saqqaf will be ending his term of office and temporarily leaving Yemen for training and post-graduate studies. His post will be taken over by his sister Nadia, who has been working for Oxfam Yemen for more than a year, and who has also worked for The Yemen Times during various periods of her professional career."

"Mrs. al-Saqqaf is a graduate of Sterling University in the United Kingdom with a Masters degree Information Systems Management. She graduated with Upper Grade with Distinction and had also enrolled in a number of training programs and courses including a month-long course on Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.

During her work at The Yemen Times, she said she would be focusing on supporting human rights, gender issues and womens? rights."

Source: Yemen Times

Posted by Bertrand Pecquerie on February 28, 2005 at 12:29 PM in j. Staff changes, o. Ethics and Press Freedom | Permalink


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