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Friday, December 03, 2004

New trend in Germany: scientific magazines by Die Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung

Die Zeit has launched a new imprint this Thursday entitled "Zeit Wissen," which aims to present scientific themes, such as the development of a new explosive, the to the general public. The goal of the new magazine according to editor-in-chief Christoph Drösser, is to produce "a scientific magazine that is different, one that does not aim towards experts, but nevertheless explains scientific subjects thoroughly, while at the same time presenting knowledge in a modern and interesting manner." The magazine will be published quarterly and costs 4.50 Euros. "SZ Wissen," Süddeutsche Zeitung's equivalent of "Zeit Wissen," which is available on news stands as of tomorrow, costs 4 Euros and presents similar topics, such as the application of biometrics applied to security systems. Dr. Patrick Ilinger, editor-in-chief of SZ Wissen explains his project as follows: "We do not aim for specialists or the pure fascination with science; it is our goal to bring scientific topics that are related to every-day life to our readers. The magazine is supposed to be intelligent, astonishing and at the same time a little witty."

Source: Zeit Wissen and SZ Wissen

Posted by Ulrike Trux on December 3, 2004 at 04:53 PM in q. Regional and ethnic newspapers, r. Revenues and business models | Permalink


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I am writing to request your assistance in obtaining (if available) an English translation of the following article:

Die Zeit - Zeitlaeufte : Zwanzig Kinder erhängen dauert lange
Im Juni 1982 kam Rose Grumelin nach Hamburg zum Todesort ihrer beiden Kinder und ... Rose Grumelin, Rucza Witońska, ist jetzt 88 Jahre alt und fast blind, ... http://www.zeit.de/2005/15/A-Kinder?page=all

Rose Grumelin is a relative who I learned about during a recent family reunion in France. I would like to distribute a copy of the article to family members who unfortunately do no speak German.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

e-mail: [email protected]

Posted by: arnie at Aug 19, 2005 2:27:03 PM