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Monday, May 31, 2004

Guardian site to expand RSS Services

From Dot Journalism: Here at the Editors' Web Blog, we've been transitioning to a great new way to keep up to date on the news - RSS, or Real Simple Syndiaction. With RSS, it is possible to view all the latest headlines from your favorite websites in one window, through news feeds provided by the sites themselves. Individuals or businesses can sign up to receive the feeds by clicking on a site's XML link. More and more newspapers are reaching internet users in this way and now, according to Dot Journalism, the Guardian will be using XML to stream not only main page headlines, but also feeds from specific sections of the online edition. The Guardian asks consumers to pay for the XML feeds, but other papers and news aggregator type sites are providing the service for free.

Source: Dot Journalism

Posted by Dana Goldstein on May 31, 2004 at 01:25 PM in d. Design and infographics , h. Young readers / New readers, i. Future of print, n. Online strategies, q. Regional and ethnic newspapers, r. Revenues and business models | Permalink


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