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Monday, May 31, 2004
Arab journalists speak candidly at World Editors Forum
Here are some quotes from Arab journalists who spoke yesterday at the World Editor's Forum in Istanbul: "The Arab press is free to publish any news except news about the country they are in." Daoud Kuttab, Founder of AmmanNet, Jordan
"Which Arab reader is satisfied with the news they read? The answer is, none of them," Said Essoulami, Director of the Centre for Media Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa
"Why do they think the press is so dangerous? Why do governments think it is important to restrict the press? Why do they make us an enemy? Why don't they make us partners -- partners against corruption, partners against administrative ineffeciency." Walid Al-Saqqaf, Publisher and Editor in Chief, Yemen Times
Posted by Dana Goldstein on May 31, 2004 at 04:18 PM in o. Ethics and Press Freedom, s. 2004 Forum in Istanbul | Permalink
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